Friday, November 7, 2008

Mile 4444

We started at the Shell station behind our house with the trip meter at zero, 27 days later, 4444 miles had passed. Here's the final tally . . . .
4444 miles
242 gallons of gas
most expensive gas . . . 4.62 per gallon in Death Valley
least expensive gas . . . 2.80 per gallon in Tremonton, Utah
overall average for a gallon of premium gas . . . 3.66 (FJ needs the high octane stuff)
18.4 miles per gallon overall
We did manage over 20 mpg on the slow legs (Yosemite & Oregon with the speed limit of 65)
27 nights on the road
18 nights in a tent
2 nights with friends/relatives
7 nights in a hotel pushed our average cost to 44.74 per night
Death Valley offered the most economical lodging, less than 7 dollars per night
We had our average cost of lodging down to 20.50 until checking into a hotel in Pasadena
1 Flat Tire
No accurate tally on the beers consumed
14 meals in 27 days/nights that we didn't prepare (a nice cost savings)
114 points scored by the WSU/UW opponents in the final leg of our trip
0 points by the Cougars and Huskies in those games
Interstates driven on (in order)
5, 205, 5, 80, 10, 210, 5, 8, 15, 215, 15, 84, 82, 90


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

As I was reading your most recent blog, I thought it was going to turn into a Master Card commercial.

Anonymous said...

I'm with Greg, I read this and thought: October 2008 Trip - Priceless!